Andrei Tjutjunnik
Andrey is the person with whom the story of CAVR actually begins. He is the person who has put the milestone and built the way to deliver the brand to your doorsteps.
The history of our product began twenty years ago. Andrey remembers how vividly he recalled his childhood memories of eating caviar – the sensational burst of slightly salty, refreshing flavour. As adult he kept wondering why the flavour and sensation was not the same and whether it was just child’s idealised impression impossible to reperform. By analysing the history of caviar and researching the specific developments of the industry he became eager to improve the technology and bring back the natural flavour and quality of caviar as it used to be when harvested in wild nature. The development of the know-how did not happen in one day, Andrey kept focusing on water purification and structural issues, considering these as one of the most essential factors affecting fish life cycle and quality of the roe.
Basically he wanted to find a way how to achieve crystal purity of water without destroying it’s natural balance of minerals and keeping oxygen structure identical to clean natural freshwater environment.
He is definitely sure that the innovative method he has developed ensures and guarantees the caviar by CAVR is constantly and indisputably among the most excellent caviars existing in the market.
Anastasija Tjutjunnik
Having graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences she claims that it is here and now where she has found her true calling. She is driven by a strong belief that any business at the end of the day is built on interpersonal relationships. Thanks to Anastasia’s sense of responsibility and ability to establish mutual respect and understanding our customers can always be sure that best possible deal will be arranged. As natural born communicator she handles the main client relationship procedures – she knows the importance of listening and understands client’s expectations. She pays attention to every detail and regards every customer as a distinctive long term business partner.
Our business is backed up by three elephants:
– innovative environmentally friendly technology;
– the highest quality of product;
– professional team of enthusiasts.
These three main elements ensure the working with us is a pleasure.