We have invested a lot of time, patience, effort and innovative ideas to make our product what it is today – a man-made product that resembles its wild counterpart in every way. The demand for black caviar in the 20th century led to the over-harvesting of sturgeon in their historically natural watersheds, resulting in their being banned from the wild worldwide and listed in the Red Data Book. In turn, intensive aquaculture systems continue to pollute the environment and produce a product of adequate quality. This is why we develop water treatment technologies that do not pollute nature, ensure independence from weather and other conditions and ultimately guarantee a consistently high quality for our product. At the appropriate stage of the fish’s development, they are transferred to a closed water recirculation system. The water is fed from an artesian borehole and additionally treated to meet the required standards.In addition to standard technologies, the water is treated using our innovative ozone-air mixture water enrichment and purification system, which has no direct analogue today. It is this system that ensures that the water in the pools has a composition that corresponds to the natural comfortable living environment of the fish and therefore guarantees the quality of the final product. The efficient water purification system not only prevents biological pollution, but also ensures that antibiotics do not have to be used. Our technological system is environmentally friendly, i.e. pollution is zero. We believe and insist on taking care of the environment responsibly, as it is the most precious part of the heritage that will be left for future generations. No technology or product that results in an ecological desert cannot be tolerated in a responsible modern society. That is why we are thinking, both today and in the future, of developing technology and products in such a way that the ecological factor remains a key factor.